Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Heaven in Quran

Heaven in Quran is much much different from the aspect of Christianity(Bible) & Jews (Torah). Lets look in to Islamic Heaven.

1) Zoroastrian's heaven copied:
Islamic Heaven was described by Muhamad, (who claims himself as prophet in abrahmic religions). Muhammad journeyed to heaven where he met the angel Gabriel, Moses, and Abraham etc al., on an animal called the Buraq, a white, two-winged animal of a size between that of an ass and a mule. Buraq is said to resemble the Assyrian gryphon, the Muslim concept owes from Persians. The details of the actual ascent to heaven are also borrowed from Zoroastrian literature. [See Islamic Source]
(Muhammad is the speaker):139 "Gabriel mounted me upon Buraq, and having carried me upwards to the lowest heaven called out to open the gate. "Who is this?" one cried. "It is Gabriel." "Who is with thee?" "It is Muhammad." "Was he summoned?" "O yes!" was Gabriel's answer. "Then welcome him; how good it is that he has come." And so he opened the gate. Entering, Gabriel said, Here is your father Adam, make the salutation to him. So I made to him my salaam, and he returned it to me; on which he said, Welcome to an excellent Prophet. Then Gabriel took me up to the second heaven, and lo there were John (the Baptist) and Jesus. In the third heaven there was Joseph; in the Fourth Idris (Enoch); in the Fifth Aaron; and in the Sixth Moses. As he returned the salutation, Moses wept and on being asked the reason said: "I mourn because more of the people of him that was sent after me do enter Paradise than of mine." Then we ascended the seventh heaven; "This is your father Abraham," said Gabriel, and salutation was made as before. At the last we made the final ascent, where there were beautiful fruits and leaves like the ears of an elephant. This," said Gabriel, "is the last heaven; and lo! four rivers, two within, and two without." "What are these, O Gabriel?" 1 asked. Those within, he said, are the rivers of Paradise; and those without, are the Nile and the Euphrates.
From above, Have you felt any sort of self praising stanza and huge amount of fabrications?. He is trying to Place himself as 
1) Great prophet, as testimonial by Adam 
2) The Prophet Moses is weeping in jealous of Muhamad (From description itself, a average intelligent human understand who is jealous of whom!) 
3) A lot of enthusiastic & mythical Imagination.

This ascent to heaven (or Miraj in Arabic) can be compared to the account in the Pahlavi text called Arta (or Artay) which is written by Viraf , several hundred years before the Muslim era. 
The Zoroastrian priests felt their faith fading away and so sent Arta Viraf to heaven to find out what was taking place there. Arta ascended from one heaven to another and finally came back to earth to tell his people what he had seen:
Our first advance upwards was to the lower heaven; . . . and there we saw the Angel of those Holy Ones giving forth a flaming light, brilliant and lofty. And I asked Sarosh the holy and Azar the angel: "What place is this, and these, who are they? "[We are then told that Arta similarly ascended to the second and third heavens.] "Rising from a gold-covered throne, Bahman the Archangel led me on, till he and I met Ormazd with a company of angels and heavenly leaders, all adorned so brightly that I had never seen the like before. My leader said: This is Ormazd. I sought to salaam to him, and he said he was glad to welcome me from the passing world to that bright and undefiled place. . . . At the last, says Arta, my guide and the fire angel, having shown me Paradise, took me down to hell; and from that dark and dreadful place, carried me upward to a beautiful spot where were Ormazd and his company of Angels. I desired to salute him, on which he graciously said: Arta Viraf, go to the material world, you have seen and now know Ormazd, for I am he; whosoever is true and righteous, him I know.

2)Sexual Paradise:
 A sensual Paradise where believing or martyred men are rewarded with to virgins with "full grown", "swelling" or "pears-shaped" breasts [Qur'an 44:54,78:33]. 
Descriptions of Women:
 1) Women, never before touched by human or jins, Refer- Quran 55:56, 55:72-74
 2) Virgins, Refer- Quran 56:36
 3) Round or full-breasted, Refer- Quran 78:33
 4) Eyes are beautiful, broad, wide, lustious, Refer- Quran 37:48, 52:20, 56:22
 5) Pearl like guarded (Guards comparing to ___ ?),  Refer- Quran 56:23
 6) White skinned womens, Refer- Quran 56:22
 7) Eternally young (in haddits mentions all have 33 years old always), Same age Refer- Quran 78:33
 8) Appetizing vaginas : "Each time we sleep with a Houri we find her virgin. Besides, the penis of the Elected never softens. The erection is eternal; the sensation that you feel each time you make love is utterly delicious and out of this world and were you to experience it in this world you would faint. Each chosen one [i.e. Muslim] will marry seventy [sic] houris, besides the women he married on earth, and all will have appetizing vaginas." - Al-Suyuti, Al-Itqan fi Ulum al-Qur'an, p. 351

  In haddits, 'Shaykh ‘Abd-Allaah ibn Jibreen' says that, 'Numerous virgins for a man, while woman should satisfy with single man, Women are make like that by allah, disobey will make allah angry'.

Strength of 7 men in Intercourse:
From haddits, Al Ghazzali says,
A man asked the Prophet : 0 Prophet of God, will the inmates of Paradise have sexual intercourse ?
Muhamad said: Anybody among them will be given sexual strength of seven, persons among you. (Amazing, Viagra is there in heaven too)

Slavery in Heaven:
 "Ali reported that the Apostle of Allah(Muhamad) said, "There is in Paradise a market wherein there will be no buying or selling, but will consist of men and women. When a man desires a beauty, he will have intercourse with them." - Al Hadis,Vol. 4,p. 172,No.34.

Orgasm in heaven: 
 Abu Umama narrated: "The Messenger of God said, 'Everyone that God admits into paradise will be married to 72 wives; two of them are houris and seventy of his inheritance of the [female] dwellers of hell. All of them will have libidinous sex organs and he will have an ever-erect penis.' " - Sunan Ibn Majah, Zuhd (Book of Abstinence) 39.
"the marrow of the bones of their legs will be seen through the bones and the flesh" Sahih Bukhari 4:54:476.

It were been a difficult task for allah to gather this much women, in 1:70 in ratio.
(Its merely hard to describe all in a single web page, I don't want to write book of huge volume on regarding this)

3) Heavenly Alcoholism
Quran 47:15 - A similitude of the Garden which those who keep their duty (to Allah) are promised: Therein are rivers of water unpolluted ... and rivers of wine delicious to the drinkers.
Quran 83:22,25 - Surely the pious will be in bliss ... their thirst will be slaked with pure wine sealed.

Some Absurd objections by Musalem scholars that, 'the wine in heaven is purified will not have after effects or impurities'. Means allah have more perfect distillery than compared to earthly distilleries. If it is not having any peculier effect of of wine, it cannot be called as WINE, Why can't you call some thing else. So in next compiled versions of Quran WINE may some times be replaced as M'SWINE(Muhamad's Wine), and also will be added in arabic dictionary.

There by Islamic heaven is a peculiar heaven with all sort of earthly lust and sins. Paganism, Sex, Slavery & Alcoholism. This is promised for the Followers of Muhamad, who are trying to get killed and to kill and to be a martyr in Islam. 

Monday, July 29, 2013

Point 8- "Is there Pillars of heaven?"

Point No. 8 - Regarding ‘the Heavens’, the Bible says in Job, Ch. 26, Verse 11, that…‘The pillars of the Heaven will tremble.’ Qur’an says in Surah Luqman, Ch. 31, Verse No.10, that…‘The Heavens are without any pillars - Don`t you see? Don’t you see the Heavens are without any pillars? -  Bible says heaven have got pillars.

'Mr. Scientific Naaik',  it is really absurdity! Comparing words of Holy bible with some sort of fabrication, and trying to state Bible is wrong. I have never ever heard such a balderdash or nonsense! 

Heaven in Bible:
1 Corinthians 2:7-9 "But we impart a secret and hidden wisdom of God, which God decreed before the ages for our glory. None of the rulers of this age understood this, for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. But, as it is written,”What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him”
Rev. 4:8-10 "There is a constant chant of holy angels that are continually proclaiming Holy, Holy, Holy over the throne of G-d.  The Mercy Seat in heaven where G-d sits is surrounded by magnificent angels full of glory and power that proclaim and bless the holy name of G-d without ceasing." 
Rev. 21:4 "And G-d shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away."

In short, the peace of mind (with out any humanly or biological lust), completely eternal Wisdom(Yeshuyah)unity and feel of the presence of G-D.

Read about the Heaven in quran ! - No chance of comparing with Christian's & Jew's Heaven  

Point 7: "Is earth for ever?"

Point No. 7 - Regarding the concept of Earth, there are various Scientists who have described… ‘How will the world end.’ Hypothesis - Some may be right, some may be wrong. But either the world will perish or the world will live forever. Both cannot take place simultaneously – It is unscientific. But this is exactly what the Bible says. It is mentioned in the Bible, in the book of Hebrews, Ch. No.1 Verses No.10 and 11, and the book of Psalms, Ch. No.102, Verse No.25 and 26, that…‘Almighty God created the Heavens and the Earth, and they will perish.’ Exactly opposite is mentioned in the book of Ecclesiastics, Ch. No.1, Verse No.4, and the book of Psalms, Ch. No.78, Verse No.69, that… ‘The earth will abide forever.’ I leave it to Dr. William Campbell to choose which of the two Verses are unscientific - the first pair or the second pair. One has to be unscientific - Both cannot take place. The world cannot abide forever as well as perish – It is unscientific.

1) The first 2 statements states earth will perish, the 3rd statement never said about earth will or will not perish. The 3rd statement not about the earth, there also lies the heaven, its center is "Holy sanctuary". Read well you can understand. If you don't know Hebrew use a translator.
Psalms 78:69 "וַיִּבֶן כְּמוֹ רָמִים מִקְדָּשׁוֹ כְּאֶרֶץ יְסָדָהּ לְעוֹלָם:"
"And He built His sanctuary like the heights, like the earth which* He hath founded for ever."

* Holy sanctuary, his Holiness. 
Jews and Christians read this and understood as G-D built his SIGN 'Holy Sanctuary' LIKE Heaven (heights) & Earth. With the same creativity, how he had made the earth & heaven, while the "Holy Sanctuary" which will stand for ever. That is sign of his holiness will stand for ever. Purely Eternal.

Thank you for giving a chance to clear this to you!

But 1 Question How can you just claim or link this to scientific ??

Point 6- "Bible says moon has its own light? No"

Point No.6 - The Bible says in Genesis, Ch. 1, Verses No.16, that…‘God created two lights the greater light, the Sun to rule the day, and the lesser light the Moon, to rule the night. The actual translation, if you go to the Hebrew text, it is ‘lamps’…‘Lamps having lights of its own.’ And that you will come to know better, if you read both the Verses – Genesis, Ch. No.1, Verse. 16, as well as 17. Verse No.17 says…‘And Almighty God placed them in the firmament, to give light to the earth…  To give light to the earth.’ Indicating, that Sun and the Moon has its own light - which is in contradiction with established scientific knowledge that we have. There are certain people who try and reconciliate, and say that the six days mentioned in theBible, it actually refers to epocs - like the Qur’an long periods - not six, 24 hour day. It is illogical - you read in the Bible, evening, morning - It clearly states 24 hours, it indicates. But even if I use the concordance approach - no problem. I agree with your illogical argument - Yet they will only be able to solve the 1st scientific error of 6 days creation, and second, of first day ‘light’ and 3rd day ‘earth.’ The remaining four, yet they cannot solve. Some further say that… ‘If it is a 24-hour period, why cannot the vegetables survive for one 24 hour day without sunlight?’ I say ‘Fine - If you say that the vegetables were created before the sun, and can survive for one 24-hour day, I have got no objection. But you cannot say the days mentioned are 24 hours as well as epochs - You cannot have the cake and eat it, both. If you say it is long period, you solve Point No.1 and 3, the remaining 4 are yet there. If you say the days are 24 hours day, you solve only Point No.5 - the remaining 5 are yet there - It becomes unscientific. I leave it to Dr. William Campbell, whether he wants to say… ‘It is long period’, and say that there are only 4 scientific errors - or say… ‘It is a 24 hour day’, and say there is only 5 scientific errors in the creation of the universe.

1) מהארת (Mha'rt) = illuminating, lighting up.
Genesis 1:16 
וַיַּעַשׂ אֱלֹהִים, אֶת-שְׁנֵי הַמְּאֹרֹת הַגְּדֹלִים:  אֶת-הַמָּאוֹר הַגָּדֹל, לְמֶמְשֶׁלֶת הַיּוֹם, וְאֶת-הַמָּאוֹר הַקָּטֹן לְמֶמְשֶׁלֶת" הַלַּיְלָה, וְאֵת" הַכּוֹכָבִים. " <- (right to left)
(left to right) -> "And God made the two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night; and the stars."

Mr Scientific Naaik:"if you go to the Hebrew text, it is ‘lamps’…‘Lamps having lights of its own." So Naaik here, caught red hand for lying with out any proofs, as like he converted 'Noor' (light in arabic) to reflection in the quran and stated "moon reflects light already told in quran" . 
But unfortunately Mr. Naaik tries to misinterpret 'Mha'rt'(illumination or lighting) in Hebrew wrongly as 'lamp', there by moon is lamp, to prove that bible is 'not scientific'. Pathetic failure! (1 Request to Naaik please don't ever create a heap of lies and sit on it, and claim others as unscientific, its really nasty!)

2) Day of Genesis (See 'period')is clearly mentioned as the period of availability of light.

3) So from last post (Source of Earth before sun), I made clear that, a Massive star or constellation where there which had provided the source of energy for Earth & creation of sun. Thus, a common man can understood how earth habitability (means life forms) could be survived before sun, probably Massive star may be a scientific reason. (Even though our Science have not matured yet, lets wait and see)

4) Mha'rt = illuminating, lighting up. This really proves that bible is perfect, a single word which can used in both illumination (moon), and lighting up (sun). This avoids a lot of misinterpretation on early days and current days. While quran fails here!

Am I made this clear?

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Point 5- "Earth and its habitability before sun?"

Point No. 5 - The Bible says in Genesis, Ch. No.1, Verse No. 11 to 13…‘The vegetation, the herbs the shrubs, the trees - they were created on the 3rd day And the Sun, Genesis, Ch. No. 1, Verses. 14 to 19, was created on the 4th day. How can the vegetation come into existence without sunlight, and how can they survive without sunlight ?

Refer the post Earth created before sun? in reply to Mr.Naaik that Sun was later formed source of energy.
1) According to those advanced scientific assumptions, the alike a Massive star (a form of supernova), was the source for earth and creation of Sun.
2) It was early pegan culture and Ideology is that it is the Sun, from which all Originates, that ideology reflecting through Mr. Scientific Naaik's words.
3) So as said above there is no issues for having biological habitability which have been effected in course of time,  by the radiation discharge and later it starts to depending on the Sun.
See  1234

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Point 4- "Is earth created before sun? Can this be counted as an Error?"

Point No..4 - Genesis, Ch. No. 1 Verses 9 to 13 says… ‘Earth was created on the third day.’  Genesis Ch. No. 1 Verses 14 to 19 says…‘The Sun and the Moon were created on the fourth day.’ Today science tells us… ‘Earth is part of the parent body… the sun.’ It cannot come into existence before the sun – It is unscientific.

Naaik is the one who approves theories submitted in astrophysics & in other scientific areas, even though he owns only a medical degree. 

1) One of the main point in astrophysics "The formation and evolution of the Solar System bodies occurred in tandem with the Sun.", no theory ever stated and proved that "earth was created or generated from sun". 
2) Refer 'Big bang theory', it is a chaos of explosion to form interstellar clouds. This will never form a star, there are numerous procedures to become a star. While the colliding of dusts to create planetesimals (first form of planets) will take place parallel along with star formation in these supernovas. After once planetesimals will be shifted to any orbits of a generating or generated stars beside. So planets can be developed before stars or after stars or together.
3) There fore ,as a assumption of sun burst out, and earth was formed is an old astrophysical theory, which is now omitted by almost all parts in astrophysics, was developed and assumed around 1980's. Surely Mr.Naaik is living in past, does't got enough knowledge in this area, only got the nuts to say a word 'not scientific' & 'not scientific'. I doubt do he know the meaning of science? 

To some scientific facts.
A suggestion which can be said in opposite to the query that, sun will be surely after or along with the earth creation. Here I'm making simple to avoid maximum technical terms because this is not a scientific page in astrophysics.

Solar system creation
Age of Sun 4.5 billion years as calculated, while age of earth calculates also the same. Have you thought why?
As from the old theory Sun blasts and created earth, then earth should be million & million years different from the age of Sun. But the calculation of age for earth was done by the half life of radio active uranium rock, found from earth, and it was carbon dated as 4.5 billion years. Research and archaeological survey were going parallel, whether there any source for elements in earth more than 4.5 billion years. While in case of Sun, Isotopes such as 'iron-60' where used, along with meteorite's carbon dating done to determine the age. 

Now theories evolved that, there was a massive star alike source or Super nova(Which has characteristics of Stars but not purely a star) beside, when the sun was born. Argument on the recent discovery in meteorites of patterns of isotopes that can only have been caused by the radioactive decay of iron-60, an unstable isotope that has a half life of only a million and a half years. Iron-60 can only be formed in the heart of a massive star alike source, it will never be inside a small star as like our sun. Thus the presence of live iron-60 in the young Solar System provides strong evidence that when the Sun formed (4.5 billion years ago) a massive star(alike source) was nearby. This massive star was the source of energy for the developing stars, interstellar clouds, planetesimals, planets and asteroids, under its supernova. We can thus assume that, Earth at its earlier stage was there which consumes energy from the massive star(alike source), then the parallel formation of earth & sun [not a sun, just an embryo of interstellar clouds]  leaving behind the traces of radioactive types dated back to 4.57 billion years for both.

Stage 1: A supernova or a massive big star(alike source) which is some times more than thousand times bigger than our Sun. We know Sun will be counted as a very small star while compared with others in solar system. 

Stage 2: A supernova or Massive star(alike source) will be having, intense ultraviolet radiation forms an “HII region” - a region of hot, ionized gas that pushes outward through interstellar space. A shock wave is driven in advance of the expanding HII region, compressing surrounding gas and triggering the formation of new 'low-mass stars', such as our Sun. 

Stage 3: The process of 'low-mass stars', the embryo of low-mass stars which is left of its small natal cloud will be uncovered by the advancing boundary of the HII region(eg: Eagle Nebula, Orion Nebula, Trifid Nebula) and exposed directly to the harsh ultraviolet radiation from the massive star (Or A supernova). This cloudy region is the first prototype of solar system called EGGs (evaporating gaseous globules), While the EGGs contains, the planetismals or even planets which is generated from the massive star.

Stage 4: EGG evaporates, leaving behind only the low-mass star and its now-unprotected protoplanetary disk to face the brunt of the massive star's wrath. 

Stage 5: The disk itself now begins to evaporate, forming a characteristic tear-drop-shaped structure like the “proplyds” (eg: the Orion Nebula). There may have a number of EGGs were turning into proplyds in parallel, as like hatching the eggs.

Stage 6: This proplyd, too, is eroded away. All that remains is the star itself, surrounded by the inner part of the disk (comparable in size to our Solar System), which is able to withstand the continuing onslaught of radiation. 

So my question is, In this planetary system, it is diminishing or development inwards, so which will be created first , Earth or Sun? A man with commonsense and with an average intelligence will get the point that what I have explained. 

Conclusion of solar system creation defined above:

This kind of star-forming environment, molecular cloud slowly evaporates the belt, forming a star here, leaving behind the planetesimals. These are called as EGGs(Evaporation Gaseous Globules). Further transformed to 'Proplyds'. 
So the formation of star is inwards. This will left behind those planets(eg Earth) on the outer ring, and at-last the center starts ignites forming a matured star, what we call SUN. Refer the SUN formation and see the chance of Sun after earth!

Naaik this is the science. Not the science which you say from Quran. So this will be surely un-scientific, right? 
Bible is not a scientific book, It is a spiritual book. But though the real science, bible can never be proved wrong!

The theory & support: Big bang, Sun Evolution, Theory of Solar planet creation developed in astrophysics by Arizona State University.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Point 3 - "Earth created after creation of day in bible? Can this be counted as an error?"

Point No.3 - Further, the, Bible says Genesis, Ch. 1, Verses 9 to 13… ‘Earth was created on the 3rd day. How can you have a night and day without the earth ?  The day depends upon the rotation of the Earth Without the earth created, how can you have a night and day? 

 1) Genesis (1:) "4 And Elohim saw the light, that it was tov (good); and Elohim divided the ohr (light) from the choshech (darkness).   5 And Elohim called the light Yom (Day), and the darkness He called Lailah (Night). And the erev (evening) and the boker (morning) were Yom Echad (Day One, the First Day)."

 2) Perfectly says light, and darkness is separated, for that separation gives that period of light just a name, no hours , no minutes, no seconds where calculated at that time. The day, measure of that system may be amount of energy (RELATIVE to G-D). The energy emission in form of waves, photons may last for some period and then ends. 

 3) Even our science were not matured we can just try to use common sense in relation with known science. As in last post, light was created first, i.e before sun big bang theory even proves it. So a phenomenon in the initial point of 'big bang' is 'Photon Decoupling' resulting in 'cosmic microwave background reaction', which we can observe today. 

4) So what can be said in a scripture for an early man who don't even know world is revolving?  
Naaik needs a Genesis like this to accept: "G-D used photons and its particles to create light. This photon decoupling under enormous amount of thermal energy along with first created gases such as Hydrogen, Helium etc will cause explosions and expansions which creates or mold different planetary systems & those Millions of plants and stars are having energy produced by using fission or fusion." 
Then if this was written in the scriptures the common man can't digest this concept and he and he will gone crazy similarly as naaik doing now a days.No Offense!!.

5) Conclude : Day in 'torah' was a measure of energy emission in form of light in relative to G-D. Energy emission with breaks, according to the source of light photon De-coupling phenomenon[at start of big bang!], before star creation.

Point 2 - "Light before Sun in bible". Can this be counted as an Error?

Point No.2 - Bible says in Genesis Ch. No. 1 Verses No. 3 and 5,…‘Light was created on the first day.’ Genesis, Ch., 1 Verses, 14 to 19… ‘The cause of light - stars and the sun, etc. was created on the fourth day’.  How can the cause of light be created on the 4th day - later than the light which came into existence on the first day? - It is unscientific.


Query is a 'Neanderthal' man's doubt. No offense. "Cause of light - stars & sun .. so bible- It is unscientific" (Will get claps from brainless).

1) Source of light are not only sun and stars, where ever a friction occurs you can see sparks, i.e also light. Lighting is another common example. Is lighting is from Sun? Lightning : massive electrostatic discharge between electrically charged regions within clouds, or between a cloud. 

 How ever you heard of fission & fusion which produce enormous amount of energy, along with light. There are different forms of light sources are there, such as celestial and atmospheric light,terrestrial, direct chemical, Radioluminescenc, Piezoluminescence, laser lights, electron stimulated (Our electric lights) and so on.
There for light is wave form, electromagnetic radiations which is visible to human eye. There are also variations in electromagnetic radiations which are not visible (eg infrared wave, to see use a cam and remote). Before claiming "It is unscientific!" please have a little knowledge in science.

2) 'Photon Decoupling' phenomenon which produces light in relations with big bang theory, the light is already there before the creation of sun and stars.

3) Many versus in bible says Jesus is the light eg:John 8:12, Matthew 5:14 etc. In Revelations 21:23 states "And the city has no need of sun or moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and its lamp is the Lamb. " 

There for claiming source of light is only sun and stars are just unscientific and false according to bible.

Lets look in to Quran about lights.

1) Sura 71:15-16, states:
 "..and made the moon a light (noor) in their midst, and made the sun as a lamp (siraaj)?"
                      moon = noor (noor is Reflection as says by Naaik)
                      sun = siraaj (siraaj is Lamp as says by Naaik)
Naaik states, these two are light while 'noor' of moon is reflection of light, thus scientific book of human kind is only quran. So to get full scientific knowledge read quran.

There for what about these versus about allah in quran. 
For example see Sura 24:35

[Transliteration] "Allahu nooru assamawatiwal-ardi mathalu noorihi kamishkatin feehamisbahun almisbahu fee zujajatinazzujajatu kaannaha kawkabun durriyyunyooqadu min shajaratin mubarakatin zaytoonatin lasharqiyyatin wala gharbiyyatin yakadu zaytuhayudee-o walaw lam tamsas-hu narun noorun AAalanoorin yahdee Allahu linoorihi man yashao wayadribuAllahu al-amthala linnasi wallahubikulli shay-in AAaleem"

[Translation] "Allah is the Light(noor) of the heavens and the earth. The example of His light(noor) is like a niche within which is a lamp(misbahu), the lamp(misbahu) is within glass, the glass as if it were a pearly [white] star lit from [the oil of] a blessed olive tree, neither of the east nor of the west, whose oil would almost glow even if untouched by fire. Light(noor) upon light(noor). Allah guides to His light whom He wills. And Allah presents examples for the people, and Allah is Knowing of all things."

From this versus you can see allah = noor (not misbahu , reflection or shadow)
So if Claims quran is scientific then the 'allah' is just a reflection. Is that so moon was taken care in Islam in such importance (moon worshipers)? Quran never says whose reflection is allah, but naaik have to say that.

2) Sun setting in muddy spring! Straight and forward no more diversion or word injecting as says by musalem scholars. quran 18:86 "Until, when he reached the setting of the sun, he found it setting in a spring of dark mud, and he found near it a people."
This is not scientific (As says by scientific naaik) and this was once the human concept of sun set and sun rise.

If there a word 'as if' is added in between the lines, this error can be corrected. But some versions of quran still not updated, but some of them were updated with those kind of editions. Moslems will talk about the word of Allah is unique. Then once book was injected with this type of words and covering the mistakes in quran, recompile this. After wards how can it be claimed as unchanged word of allah? This is perfect example to say state that quran is got corrupted.
eg For word insertion, if naaik says "Mr.X, my father." The people who compile his words later add [as if], then "Mr.X,[as if] my father." Is this correct or not? only adds in braces, Let them explain the words of naaik!

So while continue to say errors regarding quran, it will need to write a book which will be having volume more than quran.

Earth created after day?

Point 1 - "Can G-D create all in 6 days?". Can this be counted as an Error?

Point No.1 -The Bible speaks about the creation of the universe. In the beginning, 1st Book, Book of Genesis, 1st Ch., it is mentioned - It says… ‘Almighty God created the Heavens and the Earth, in six days and talks about a evening and a morning, referring to a 24 - hour day. Today scientists tell us, that the universe cannot be created in a 24 hour period of six days. qur’an too speaks about six ‘ayyams’. The Arabic word singular is ‘yaum’ plural is ‘ayyam’. It can either mean a day of 24 hours, or it is a very long period, an‘yaum’, an epoch. Scientists say we have no objection in agreeing that the universe - it could have been created in 6 very long periods.
1) RELATIVITY with G-D! 24 hours is a day were not mentioned in Genesis, Presence of light and Darkness created first, was written and in relative to G-D.
2) Time is a measure created by man in relative to sun (Thus 24 hours a day arrives). The relativity was emerged when a man needs to cover up his natural needs.
3) Evening and morning is scripted in the genesis for a early man to understand the period (of G-D) with light and darkness. Even sun was created on 4th period of time, this period is referenced with relative to G-D, which common man (current advanced human beings) to be developed more and more to calculate. Is Our science 100 % matured?
5) 2 Peter 3:8-9 says " that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day."  Current 24 Hours after the sun creation for Humans, Lord's 1 day = 1000 years.
6) Numerous Eorrs in quran are there in according with this, to Quote all is really Difficult. Any way in relation with this are quoted below.
  •  Creation of entire system in 6 days (quran-7:54,quran-10:3,quran- 11:7,quran-25:29)
  •  Sum up the creation of system in quran Chapter 41 (41:9,41:10,41:11,41:12) which is 8 days  (allah don't have calculator in heaven?)
  • There is also mythological pagan believes (Such as Zoroastrians and Babylonian culture) in and around 7th century AD that, Heaven was made easily compared to earth, earth took twice or more to built than heaven. From quran 41:9,41:10 "Earth creation took 2+4 days, while heaven took 2 only days" 
  Versions of Arabic quran itself is more than 20 numbered, which you can see the different sort of word manipulation and injection and compilation. So while checking one those you can observe 'ayaams' (in Arabic meaning Yawm/ayaam = day/days, some 'naaik' says its meaning was periods) instead of days. Any way say quran itself contradicts with 6 days (6 ayaam) with 8 days(8 ayaam). If Musalem scholars argues, it was a period overlaping, but specification from quran is 'made' or 'built', not said 'completes', so defending on word "Overlapping" is meaning less.  Thus it proves, even just a single digits numerical sum can not be assured in quran!! (Not asked to get the sum of 8234784238 +374234840324 =? difficult for allah I agree.)

Another one is about days of allah.
  • quran 22:47, allah's a day = 1000 current Human Years.
  • quran 70:4 , a day measures = 50000 current Human Years.
Which is like book of allah is breaking itself?

Is Holy Bible Corrupted?

Here we are going to search for some answers, as a reply for some Radical-Islamic people who are trying to inject an Idea to common brain that Holy Bible & Christianity is utterly false,  all the others are cursed, so to serve G-D you should only to be a Muslaem.

As a part of Debates with 'Common Christians'[1], Islamic debtors highlight the wining over those common non-religious people and made them commit that, they are believing in a corrupted book called Bible. Also they spread this win as, the win of Quran or Islam over the Bible and christian doctrine. Search over the internet you will find hundreds of them.

I. Why does, now a days, Islam clings on some Forgeries and states Bible is Corrupted?
II. Why does Islam claims, that Jesus is a servant and not Son of G-D(Messiah)?
III. Why does Islam always claims, Jews and Christians are cursed?
IV. What is the role of Islam for Tribulation?

Above These all are going to covered ...

NOTE 1: common Christians, who are not religious, also who don't even read the entire Bible or lack of having idea about christian doctrine.

Before looking to the Points, I just try to Introduce the Musalem Debator Mr. Scientific Zakir NaikSo lets Start & Queries (with Answers) against Holy Bible, by the above man.

Monday, July 22, 2013

SAM: Bible is a Myth or Not?

I asked this question more than a 100 times, even though I never tried to read it, once.

While, I just started to look around the world,  I saw humans were struggling to live their life. See those under developed countries from Africa, example sudan, yemen, uganda etc, are effected by hungry, poverty and religious extremism. See Islamic countries, which are now un-stabilized example, libiya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt, Syria etc. Tons and Tons of common Issues which are hard to provide solutions. What does the religions to do with all these? Some one had said "No War is fought for Devil, Blood sheds are done in the name of G-D". Then I looked over to the rich & greedy, as in Quran says "If the son of Adam had money equal to a valley, then he will wish for another similar to it, for nothing can satisfy the eye of Adam's son except dust. And Allah forgives him who repents to Him". This shows where does error occurs.

So I started to reach over the History(History is Key to future) of Human civilization, there lies a important character in each and every civilization, G-D. G-D with Varies in different forms, different scriptures, different rituals, superstitions and violence. Have you checked or think of, why does this character reflects, where ever the humans civilization? Where ever the humans this Name was there? Is it Psychology of Humans? Is it Alien-ology? What was and is this mystery?

Saying about  hindu civilization & hindu culture, "Hinduism is like dark thick forest where every sort of myths and ideology resides, one ever got trapped in the forest will surely loose the path. Atheism, Monotheism, Polytheism and concept of Maya(All were unreal like a dream) where explained and included in this religion."

Mean while, I just came across a Musalem (A nice smiling personality) and he insisted me to believe in Allah, while all others are cursed and also the worst in the name of Allah. I had heard him for some time. I just had a affection towards it, that Islam is the path? Is this defines all solution to human problems? If so, what is happening in Middle east? After all I Just asked him a Question , Who is Allah? He said the G-D of Abraham, Issac, Ishmail, His name is Allah! Even though I had confusion with the name, I just continued. I decided to turn in to study the religions. As I'm inspired from a Musalem, I decided to start with Quran.
So, While I started to read Quran for some years ago, I find hard to understand from where does this verse referred from and how does this statement got a place in the Quran. So I had gone through some Haddits also to understand this quran meaningful. Even though lot of missing links were there. I'm confused and drained my energy, while I realized the cause of Issues in middle east countries. So who is G-D? Why he is being as an Racist in Quran? Why he provokes the calamities? Why these statements Sura 8:12,Sura 47:4, Sura 2:191 ....  in Quran query for violence against non-muslaem especially Christians & Jews? There fore I understand Quran is a simple book, it can never explain the details and why? 

I started to concentrate on Jews first. The Jewish history is well written in a book called Thora, which is embedded in Holy Bible (as Old Testament). Thus I came to read my Bible. When I went through the Bible, it was amazing, enthusiastic and really miraculous. My Queries were solved one by one. This made me to get knowledge about the G-D, the Word of G-D and also the difference between Gods in different cultures (including G-D of Islam). 'Read Bible with some questions in your mind, you will get the answers', I had tried to match with the history which miraculously matching and fulfilling the prophecies. 

Here 'I' along with 'you' are going to continue about the truth and Biblical facts and answers.

Note: "I'm not a biblical expert, but I'm in search for Wisdom! "
Some points stated against Holy bible by Mr Zakir Naik and its answers.
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22