Heaven in Quran is much much different from the aspect of Christianity(Bible) & Jews (Torah). Lets look in to Islamic Heaven.
1) Zoroastrian's heaven copied:
Islamic Heaven was described by Muhamad, (who claims himself as prophet in abrahmic religions). Muhammad journeyed to heaven where he met the angel Gabriel, Moses, and Abraham etc al., on an animal called the Buraq, a white, two-winged animal of a size between that of an ass and a mule. Buraq is said to resemble the Assyrian gryphon, the Muslim concept owes from Persians. The details of the actual ascent to heaven are also borrowed from Zoroastrian literature. [See Islamic Source]
(Muhammad is the speaker):139 "Gabriel mounted me upon Buraq, and having carried me upwards to the lowest heaven called out to open the gate. "Who is this?" one cried. "It is Gabriel." "Who is with thee?" "It is Muhammad." "Was he summoned?" "O yes!" was Gabriel's answer. "Then welcome him; how good it is that he has come." And so he opened the gate. Entering, Gabriel said, Here is your father Adam, make the salutation to him. So I made to him my salaam, and he returned it to me; on which he said, Welcome to an excellent Prophet. Then Gabriel took me up to the second heaven, and lo there were John (the Baptist) and Jesus. In the third heaven there was Joseph; in the Fourth Idris (Enoch); in the Fifth Aaron; and in the Sixth Moses. As he returned the salutation, Moses wept and on being asked the reason said: "I mourn because more of the people of him that was sent after me do enter Paradise than of mine." Then we ascended the seventh heaven; "This is your father Abraham," said Gabriel, and salutation was made as before. At the last we made the final ascent, where there were beautiful fruits and leaves like the ears of an elephant. This," said Gabriel, "is the last heaven; and lo! four rivers, two within, and two without." "What are these, O Gabriel?" 1 asked. Those within, he said, are the rivers of Paradise; and those without, are the Nile and the Euphrates."
From above, Have you felt any sort of self praising stanza and huge amount of fabrications?. He is trying to Place himself as
1) Great prophet, as testimonial by Adam
2) The Prophet Moses is weeping in jealous of Muhamad (From description itself, a average intelligent human understand who is jealous of whom!)
3) A lot of enthusiastic & mythical Imagination.
This ascent to heaven (or Miraj in Arabic) can be compared to the account in the Pahlavi text called Arta (or Artay) which is written by Viraf , several hundred years before the Muslim era.
The Zoroastrian priests felt their faith fading away and so sent Arta Viraf to heaven to find out what was taking place there. Arta ascended from one heaven to another and finally came back to earth to tell his people what he had seen:
Our first advance upwards was to the lower heaven; . . . and there we saw the Angel of those Holy Ones giving forth a flaming light, brilliant and lofty. And I asked Sarosh the holy and Azar the angel: "What place is this, and these, who are they? "[We are then told that Arta similarly ascended to the second and third heavens.] "Rising from a gold-covered throne, Bahman the Archangel led me on, till he and I met Ormazd with a company of angels and heavenly leaders, all adorned so brightly that I had never seen the like before. My leader said: This is Ormazd. I sought to salaam to him, and he said he was glad to welcome me from the passing world to that bright and undefiled place. . . . At the last, says Arta, my guide and the fire angel, having shown me Paradise, took me down to hell; and from that dark and dreadful place, carried me upward to a beautiful spot where were Ormazd and his company of Angels. I desired to salute him, on which he graciously said: Arta Viraf, go to the material world, you have seen and now know Ormazd, for I am he; whosoever is true and righteous, him I know.
2)Sexual Paradise:
A sensual Paradise where believing or martyred men are rewarded with to virgins with "full grown", "swelling" or "pears-shaped" breasts [Qur'an 44:54,78:33].
Descriptions of Women:
1) Women, never before touched by human or jins, Refer- Quran 55:56, 55:72-74
2) Virgins, Refer- Quran 56:36
3) Round or full-breasted, Refer- Quran 78:33
4) Eyes are beautiful, broad, wide, lustious, Refer- Quran 37:48, 52:20, 56:22
5) Pearl like guarded (Guards comparing to ___ ?), Refer- Quran 56:23
6) White skinned womens, Refer- Quran 56:22
7) Eternally young (in haddits mentions all have 33 years old always), Same age Refer- Quran 78:33
8) Appetizing vaginas : "Each time we sleep with a Houri we find her virgin. Besides, the penis of the Elected never softens. The erection is eternal; the sensation that you feel each time you make love is utterly delicious and out of this world and were you to experience it in this world you would faint. Each chosen one [i.e. Muslim] will marry seventy [sic] houris, besides the women he married on earth, and all will have appetizing vaginas." - Al-Suyuti, Al-Itqan fi Ulum al-Qur'an, p. 351
In haddits, 'Shaykh ‘Abd-Allaah ibn Jibreen' says that, 'Numerous virgins for a man, while woman should satisfy with single man, Women are make like that by allah, disobey will make allah angry'.
Strength of 7 men in Intercourse:
From haddits, Al Ghazzali says,
A man asked the Prophet : 0 Prophet of God, will the inmates of Paradise have sexual intercourse ?
Muhamad said: Anybody among them will be given sexual strength of seven, persons among you. (Amazing, Viagra is there in heaven too)
Slavery in Heaven:
"Ali reported that the Apostle of Allah(Muhamad) said, "There is in Paradise a market wherein there will be no buying or selling, but will consist of men and women. When a man desires a beauty, he will have intercourse with them." - Al Hadis,Vol. 4,p. 172,No.34.
Orgasm in heaven:
Abu Umama narrated: "The Messenger of God said, 'Everyone that God admits into paradise will be married to 72 wives; two of them are houris and seventy of his inheritance of the [female] dwellers of hell. All of them will have libidinous sex organs and he will have an ever-erect penis.' " - Sunan Ibn Majah, Zuhd (Book of Abstinence) 39.
"the marrow of the bones of their legs will be seen through the bones and the flesh" Sahih Bukhari 4:54:476.
It were been a difficult task for allah to gather this much women, in 1:70 in ratio.
(Its merely hard to describe all in a single web page, I don't want to write book of huge volume on regarding this)
3) Heavenly Alcoholism
Quran 47:15 - A similitude of the Garden which those who keep their duty (to Allah) are promised: Therein are rivers of water unpolluted ... and rivers of wine delicious to the drinkers.
Quran 83:22,25 - Surely the pious will be in bliss ... their thirst will be slaked with pure wine sealed.
Some Absurd objections by Musalem scholars that, 'the wine in heaven is purified will not have after effects or impurities'. Means allah have more perfect distillery than compared to earthly distilleries. If it is not having any peculier effect of of wine, it cannot be called as WINE, Why can't you call some thing else. So in next compiled versions of Quran WINE may some times be replaced as M'SWINE(Muhamad's Wine), and also will be added in arabic dictionary.
There by Islamic heaven is a peculiar heaven with all sort of earthly lust and sins. Paganism, Sex, Slavery & Alcoholism. This is promised for the Followers of Muhamad, who are trying to get killed and to kill and to be a martyr in Islam.
1) Zoroastrian's heaven copied:
Islamic Heaven was described by Muhamad, (who claims himself as prophet in abrahmic religions). Muhammad journeyed to heaven where he met the angel Gabriel, Moses, and Abraham etc al., on an animal called the Buraq, a white, two-winged animal of a size between that of an ass and a mule. Buraq is said to resemble the Assyrian gryphon, the Muslim concept owes from Persians. The details of the actual ascent to heaven are also borrowed from Zoroastrian literature. [See Islamic Source]
(Muhammad is the speaker):139 "Gabriel mounted me upon Buraq, and having carried me upwards to the lowest heaven called out to open the gate. "Who is this?" one cried. "It is Gabriel." "Who is with thee?" "It is Muhammad." "Was he summoned?" "O yes!" was Gabriel's answer. "Then welcome him; how good it is that he has come." And so he opened the gate. Entering, Gabriel said, Here is your father Adam, make the salutation to him. So I made to him my salaam, and he returned it to me; on which he said, Welcome to an excellent Prophet. Then Gabriel took me up to the second heaven, and lo there were John (the Baptist) and Jesus. In the third heaven there was Joseph; in the Fourth Idris (Enoch); in the Fifth Aaron; and in the Sixth Moses. As he returned the salutation, Moses wept and on being asked the reason said: "I mourn because more of the people of him that was sent after me do enter Paradise than of mine." Then we ascended the seventh heaven; "This is your father Abraham," said Gabriel, and salutation was made as before. At the last we made the final ascent, where there were beautiful fruits and leaves like the ears of an elephant. This," said Gabriel, "is the last heaven; and lo! four rivers, two within, and two without." "What are these, O Gabriel?" 1 asked. Those within, he said, are the rivers of Paradise; and those without, are the Nile and the Euphrates."
From above, Have you felt any sort of self praising stanza and huge amount of fabrications?. He is trying to Place himself as
1) Great prophet, as testimonial by Adam
2) The Prophet Moses is weeping in jealous of Muhamad (From description itself, a average intelligent human understand who is jealous of whom!)
3) A lot of enthusiastic & mythical Imagination.
This ascent to heaven (or Miraj in Arabic) can be compared to the account in the Pahlavi text called Arta (or Artay) which is written by Viraf , several hundred years before the Muslim era.
The Zoroastrian priests felt their faith fading away and so sent Arta Viraf to heaven to find out what was taking place there. Arta ascended from one heaven to another and finally came back to earth to tell his people what he had seen:
Our first advance upwards was to the lower heaven; . . . and there we saw the Angel of those Holy Ones giving forth a flaming light, brilliant and lofty. And I asked Sarosh the holy and Azar the angel: "What place is this, and these, who are they? "[We are then told that Arta similarly ascended to the second and third heavens.] "Rising from a gold-covered throne, Bahman the Archangel led me on, till he and I met Ormazd with a company of angels and heavenly leaders, all adorned so brightly that I had never seen the like before. My leader said: This is Ormazd. I sought to salaam to him, and he said he was glad to welcome me from the passing world to that bright and undefiled place. . . . At the last, says Arta, my guide and the fire angel, having shown me Paradise, took me down to hell; and from that dark and dreadful place, carried me upward to a beautiful spot where were Ormazd and his company of Angels. I desired to salute him, on which he graciously said: Arta Viraf, go to the material world, you have seen and now know Ormazd, for I am he; whosoever is true and righteous, him I know.
2)Sexual Paradise:
A sensual Paradise where believing or martyred men are rewarded with to virgins with "full grown", "swelling" or "pears-shaped" breasts [Qur'an 44:54,78:33].
Descriptions of Women:
1) Women, never before touched by human or jins, Refer- Quran 55:56, 55:72-74
2) Virgins, Refer- Quran 56:36
3) Round or full-breasted, Refer- Quran 78:33
4) Eyes are beautiful, broad, wide, lustious, Refer- Quran 37:48, 52:20, 56:22
5) Pearl like guarded (Guards comparing to ___ ?), Refer- Quran 56:23
6) White skinned womens, Refer- Quran 56:22
7) Eternally young (in haddits mentions all have 33 years old always), Same age Refer- Quran 78:33
8) Appetizing vaginas : "Each time we sleep with a Houri we find her virgin. Besides, the penis of the Elected never softens. The erection is eternal; the sensation that you feel each time you make love is utterly delicious and out of this world and were you to experience it in this world you would faint. Each chosen one [i.e. Muslim] will marry seventy [sic] houris, besides the women he married on earth, and all will have appetizing vaginas." - Al-Suyuti, Al-Itqan fi Ulum al-Qur'an, p. 351
In haddits, 'Shaykh ‘Abd-Allaah ibn Jibreen' says that, 'Numerous virgins for a man, while woman should satisfy with single man, Women are make like that by allah, disobey will make allah angry'.
Strength of 7 men in Intercourse:
From haddits, Al Ghazzali says,
A man asked the Prophet : 0 Prophet of God, will the inmates of Paradise have sexual intercourse ?
Muhamad said: Anybody among them will be given sexual strength of seven, persons among you. (Amazing, Viagra is there in heaven too)
Slavery in Heaven:
"Ali reported that the Apostle of Allah(Muhamad) said, "There is in Paradise a market wherein there will be no buying or selling, but will consist of men and women. When a man desires a beauty, he will have intercourse with them." - Al Hadis,Vol. 4,p. 172,No.34.
Orgasm in heaven:
Abu Umama narrated: "The Messenger of God said, 'Everyone that God admits into paradise will be married to 72 wives; two of them are houris and seventy of his inheritance of the [female] dwellers of hell. All of them will have libidinous sex organs and he will have an ever-erect penis.' " - Sunan Ibn Majah, Zuhd (Book of Abstinence) 39.
"the marrow of the bones of their legs will be seen through the bones and the flesh" Sahih Bukhari 4:54:476.
It were been a difficult task for allah to gather this much women, in 1:70 in ratio.
(Its merely hard to describe all in a single web page, I don't want to write book of huge volume on regarding this)
3) Heavenly Alcoholism
Quran 47:15 - A similitude of the Garden which those who keep their duty (to Allah) are promised: Therein are rivers of water unpolluted ... and rivers of wine delicious to the drinkers.
Quran 83:22,25 - Surely the pious will be in bliss ... their thirst will be slaked with pure wine sealed.
Some Absurd objections by Musalem scholars that, 'the wine in heaven is purified will not have after effects or impurities'. Means allah have more perfect distillery than compared to earthly distilleries. If it is not having any peculier effect of of wine, it cannot be called as WINE, Why can't you call some thing else. So in next compiled versions of Quran WINE may some times be replaced as M'SWINE(Muhamad's Wine), and also will be added in arabic dictionary.
There by Islamic heaven is a peculiar heaven with all sort of earthly lust and sins. Paganism, Sex, Slavery & Alcoholism. This is promised for the Followers of Muhamad, who are trying to get killed and to kill and to be a martyr in Islam.