Saturday, December 28, 2013

Isaiah 42 - Messiah

Isaiah 42:1-25 . MESSIAH
God's description of His character ( Isaiah 42:1-4 ). God addresses Him directly ( Isaiah 42:5-7 ). Address to the people to attend to the subject ( Isaiah 42:8 Isaiah 42:9 ). Call to all, and especially the exile Jews to rejoice in the coming deliverance ( Isaiah 42:10-25 ).

1. my servant--The law of prophetic suggestion leads Isaiah from Cyrus to the far greater Deliverer, behind whom the former is lost sight of. The express quotation in Matthew 12:18-20 , and the description can apply to Messiah alone ( Psalms 40:6 ; with which compare Exodus 21:6 , John 6:38 , Philippians 2:7 ). Israel, also, in its highest ideal, is called the "servant" of God ( Isaiah 49:3 ). But this ideal is realized only in the antitypical Israel, its representative-man and Head, Messiah (compare Matthew 2:15 , with Hosea 11:1 ). "Servant" was the position assumed by the Son of God throughout His humiliation.
elect--chosen by God before the foundation of the world for an atonement ( 1 Peter 1:20 , Revelation 13:8 ). Redemption was no afterthought to remedy an unforeseen evil ( Romans 16:25 Romans 16:26 , Ephesians 3:9 Ephesians 3:11 , 2 Timothy 1:9 2 Timothy 1:10 , Titus 1:2 Titus 1:3 ). In Matthew 12:18 it is rendered "My beloved"; the only beloved Son, beloved in a sense distinct from all others. Election and the love of God are inseparably joined.
soul--a human phrase applied to God, because of the intended union of humanity with the Divinity: "I Myself."
delighteth--is well pleased with, and accepts, as a propitiation. God could have "delighted" in no created being as a mediator (compare Isaiah 42:21 , 63:5 , Matthew 3:17 ).
spirit upon him--( Isaiah 11:2 , 61:1 , Luke 4:18 , John 3:34 ).
judgment--the gospel dispensation, founded on justice, the canon of the divine rule and principle of judgment called "the law" ( Isaiah 2:3 ; compare Isaiah 42:4 , 51:4 , 49:6 ). The Gospel has a discriminating judicial effect: saving to penitents; condemnatory to Satan, the enemy ( John 12:31 , 16:11 ), and the wilfully impenitent ( John 9:39 ). Matthew 12:18 has, "He shall show," for "He shall bring forth," or "cause to go forth." Christ both produced and announced His "judgment." The Hebrew dwells most on His producing it; Matthew on His announcement of it: the two are joined in Him.

2. Matthew ( Matthew 12:19 ) marks the kind of "cry" as that of altercation by quoting it, "He shall not strive" ( Isaiah 53:7 ).
street--the Septuagint translates "outside." An image from an altercation in a house, loud enough to be heard in the street outside: appropriate of Him who "withdrew Himself" from the public fame created by His miracles to privacy ( Matthew 12:15;,Isa 34:5 Matthew 12:15;,Isa 34:5 , there, shows another and sterner aspect of His character, which is also implied in the term "judgment").

3. bruised--"It pleased the Lord to bruise Him" ( Isaiah 53:5 Isaiah 53:10 , Genesis 3:15 ); so He can feel for the bruised. As Isaiah 42:2 described His unturbulent spirit towards His violent enemies ( Matthew 12:14-16 ), and His utter freedom from love of notoriety, so Isaiah 42:3 , His tenderness in cherishing the first spark of grace in the penitent ( Isaiah 40:11 ).
reed--fragile: easily "shaken with the wind" ( Matthew 11:7 ). Those who are at best feeble, and who besides are oppressed by calamity or by the sense of sin.
break--entirely crush or condemn. Compare "bind up the broken-hearted" ( Isaiah 50:4 , 61:1 , Matthew 11:28 ).
flax--put for the lamp-wick, formed of flax. The believer is the lamp (so the Greek, Matthew 5:15 , John 5:35 ): his conscience enlightened by the Holy Ghost is the wick. "Smoking" means "dimly burning," "smouldering," the flame not quite extinct. This expresses the positive side of the penitent's religion; as "bruised reed," the negative. Broken-hearted in himself, but not without some spark of flame: literally, "from above." Christ will supply such a one with grace as with oil. Also, the light of nature smouldering in the Gentiles amidst the hurtful fumes of error. He not only did not quench, but cleared away the mists and superadded the light of revelation. See JEROME, To Algasia, Question 2.
truth-- Matthew 12:20 quotes it, "send forth judgment unto victory." Matthew, under the Spirit, gives the virtual sense, but varies the word, in order to bring out a fresh aspect of the same thing. Truth has in itself the elements of victory over all opposing forces. Truth is the victory of Him who is "the truth" ( John 14:6 ). The gospel judicial sifting ("judgment") of believers and unbelievers, begun already in part ( John 3:18 John 3:19 , 9:39 ), will be consummated victoriously in truth only at His second coming; Isaiah 42:13 Isaiah 42:14 , here, and Matthew 12:32 Matthew 12:36 Matthew 12:41 Matthew 12:42 , show that there is reference to the judicial aspect of the Gospel, especially finally: besides the mild triumph of Jesus coming in mercy to the penitent now ( Isaiah 42:2 ), there shall be finally the judgment on His enemies, when the "truth" shall be perfectly developed. Compare Isaiah 61:1-3 , where the two comings are similarly joined ( Psalms 2:4-6 Psalms 2:8 , Revelation 15:2 Revelation 15:4 Revelation 19:11-16 ). On "judgment," see on Isaiah 42:1.

4. fail--faint; man in religion may become as the almost expiring flax-wick ( Isaiah 42:3 ), but not so He in His purposes of grace.
discouraged--literally, "broken," that is, checked in zeal by discouragements (compare Isaiah 49:4 Isaiah 49:5 ). ROSENMULLER not so well translates, "He shall not be too slow on the one hand, nor run too hastily on the other."
judgment--His true religion, the canon of His judgments and righteous reign.
isles . . . wait, &c.--The distant lands beyond sea shall put their trust in His gospel way of salvation. Matthew 12:21 virtually gives the sense, with the inspired addition of another aspect of the same thing, "In his name shall the Gentiles trust" (as "wait for" here means, Isaiah 30:18 ). "His law" is not something distinct from Himself, but is indeed Himself, the manifestation of God's character ("name") in Christ, who is the embodiment of the law ( Isaiah 42:21 , Jeremiah 23:6 , Romans 10:4 ). "Isles" here, and in Isaiah 42:12 , may refer to the fact that the populations of which the Church was primarily formed were Gentiles of the countries bordering on the Mediterranean.
5. Previously God had spoken of Messiah; now ( Isaiah 42:5-7 ) He speaks to Him. To show to all that He is able to sustain the Messiah in His appointed work, and that all might accept Messiah as commissioned by such a mighty God, He commences by announcing Himself as the Almighty Creator and Preserver of all things.
spread . . . earth--( Psalms 136:6 ).

6. in righteousness--rather, "for a righteous purpose" [LOWTH]. (See Isaiah 42:21 ). God "set forth" His Son "to be a propitiation (so as) to declare His (God's) righteousness, that God might be just, and (yet) the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus" ( Romans 3:25 Romans 3:26 ; Isaiah 45:13 , Isaiah 50:8 Isaiah 50:9 ).
hold . . . hand--compare as to Israel, the type of Messiah, Hosea 11:3 .
covenant--the medium of the covenant, originally made between God and Abraham ( Isaiah 49:8 ). "The mediator of a better covenant" ( Hebrews 8:6 ) than the law (see Isaiah 49:8 , Jeremiah 31:33 , 50:5 ). So the abstract "peace," for peace-maker ( Micah 5:5 , Ephesians 2:14 ).
the people--Israel; as Isaiah 49:8 , compared with Isaiah 42:6 , proves ( Luke 2:32 ).

7. blind--spiritually ( Isaiah 42:16 Isaiah 42:18 Isaiah 42:19 , Isaiah 35:5 , John 9:39 ).
prison--( Isaiah 61:1 Isaiah 61:2 ).
darkness--opposed to "light" ( Isaiah 42:6 , Ephesians 5:8 , 1 Peter 2:9 ).

8. God turns from addressing Messiah to the people.
Lord--JEHOVAH: God's distinguishing and incommunicable name, indicating essential being and immutable faithfulness (compare Exodus 6:3 , Psalms 83:18 , 96:5 , Hosea 12:5 ).
my--that is due to Me, and to Me alone.

9. former things--Former predictions of God, which were now fulfilled, are here adduced as proof that they ought to trust in Him alone as God; namely, the predictions as to Israel's restoration from Babylon.
new--namely, predictions as to Messiah, who is to bring all nations to the worship of Jehovah ( Isaiah 42:1 Isaiah 42:4 Isaiah 42:6 ).
spring forth--The same image from plants just beginning to germinate occurs in Isaiah 43:19 , 58:8 . Before there is the slightest indication to enable a sagacious observer to infer the coming event, God foretells it.

10. new song--such as has never before been sung, called for by a new manifestation of God's grace, to express which no hymn for former mercies would be appropriate. The new song shall be sung when the Lord shall reign in Jerusalem, and all "nations shall flow unto it" ( Isaiah 2:2 , 26:1 , Revelation 5:9 , 14:3 ).
ye that go down to the sea--whose conversion will be the means of diffusing the Gospel to distant lands.
all . . . therein--all the living creatures that fill the sea ( Psalms 96:11 ) [MAURER]. Or, all sailors and voyagers [GESENIUS]. But these were already mentioned in the previous clause: there he called on all who go upon the sea; in this clause all animals in the sea; so in Isaiah 42:11 , he calls on the inanimate wilderness to lift up its voice. External nature shall be so renovated as to be in unison with the moral renovation.

11. cities--in a region not wholly waste, but mainly so, with an oasis here and there.
Kedar--in East-Deserta (Far north Arabia) ( Isaiah 21:16 , Genesis 25:13 ). The Kedarenians led a nomadic, wandering life. So Kedar is here put in general for that class of men.
rock--Sela, that is, Petra, the metropolis of Idumea and the Nabathoean Ishmaelites.
the mountains--namely, of Paran (South West of Israel- Sinai peninsula ), south of Sinai, in Arabic Petræa [VITRINGA].

12. glory . . . islands--( Isaiah 24:15 ).

13-16. Jehovah will no longer restrain His wrath: He will go forth as a mighty warrior ( Exodus 15:3 ) to destroy His people's and His enemies, and to deliver Israel (compare Psalms 45:3 ).
stir up jealousy--rouse His indignation.
roar--image from the battle cry of a warrior.

14. long time--namely, during the desolation of Israel ( Isaiah 32:14 ).
holden my peace--(Compare Psalms 50:21 , Habakkuk 1:2 ).
cry like a travailing woman, &c.--Like a woman in parturition, who, after having restrained her breathing for a time, at last, overcome with labor pain, lets out her voice with a panting sigh; so Jehovah will give full vent to His long pent-up wrath. Translate, instead of "destroy . . . devour"; I will at once breathe hard and pant, namely, giving loose to My wrath.

15. I will destroy all My foes.
mountains--in Palestine usually planted with vines and olives in terraces, up to their tops.
islands--rather, "dry lands." God will destroy His foes, the heathen, and their idols, and "dry up" the fountains of their oracles, their doctrines and institutions, the symbol of which is water, and their schools which promoted idolatry [VITRINGA].

16. blind--God's people, Israel, in captivity, needing a guide. In the ulterior sense the New Testament Church, which was about to be led and enlightened by the Son of God as its leader and shepherd in the wilderness of the Roman empire, until it should reach a city of habitation. "A way . . . they knew not," refers to the various means ployed by Providence for the establishment of the Church in the world, such as would never have occurred to the mind of mere man. "Blind," they are called, as not having heretofore seen God's ways in ordering His Church.
make darkness light, &c.--implies that the glorious issue would only be known by the event itself [VITRINGA]. The same holds good of the individual believer ( Isaiah 30:21 , Psalms 107:7 ; compare Hosea 2:6 Hosea 2:14 , Ephesians 5:8 , Hebrews 13:5 ).

17. turned back . . . ashamed--disappointed in their trust; the same phrase occurs in Psalms 35:4 .

18. deaf--namely, to the voice of God.
blind--to your duty and interest; wilfully so ( Isaiah 42:20 ). In this they differ from "the blind" ( Isaiah 42:16 ). The Jews are referred to. He had said, God would destroy the heathen idolatry; here he remembers that even Israel, His "servant" ( Isaiah 42:19 ), from whom better things might have been expected, is tainted with this sin.

19. my servant--namely, Israel. Who of the heathen is so blind? Considering Israel's high privileges, the heathen's blindness was as nothing compared with that of Israelite idolaters.
my messenger . . . sent--Israel was designed by God to be the herald of His truth to other nations.
perfect--furnished with institutions, civil and religious, suited to their perfect well-being. Compare the title, "Jeshurun," the perfect one, applied to Israel (compare Isaiah 44:2 ), as the type of Messiah Or translate, the friend of God, which Israel was by virtue of descent from Abraham, who was so called ( Isaiah 41:8 ), [GESENIUS]. The language, "my servant" (compare Isaiah 42:1 ), "messenger" ( Malachi 3:1 ), "perfect" ( Romans 10:4 , Hebrews 2:10 , 1 Peter 2:22 ), can, in the full antitypical sense, only apply to Christ. So Isaiah 42:21 plainly refers to Him. "Blind" and "deaf" in His case refer to His endurance of suffering and reproach, as though He neither saw nor heard ( Psalms 38:13 Psalms 38:14 ). Thus there is a transition by contrast from the moral blindness of Israel ( Isaiah 42:18 ) to the patient blindness and deafness of Messiah [HORSLEY].

20. observest--Thou dost not keep them. The "many things" are the many proofs which all along from the first God had given Israel of His goodness and His power ( Deuteronomy 4:32-38 , 29:2-4 , Psalms 78:1-72 , 105:1-45 ).
he--transition from the second to the third person. "Opening . . . ears," that is, though he (Israel) hath his ears open servant ( Isaiah 50:5 , Psalms 40:6 ).

21. his righteousness--not His people's, but His own; Isaiah 42:24 shows that they had no righteousness ( Isaiah 45:24 , 59:16 ). God is well pleased with His Son ("in whom My soul delighteth," Isaiah 42:1 ), "who fulfils all righteousness" ( Matthew 3:15 ) for them, and with them for His sake (compare Isaiah 42:6 , Psalms 71:16 Psalms 71:19 , Matthew 5:17 , Romans 10:3 Romans 10:4 , Philippians 3:9 ). Perhaps in God's "righteousness" here is included His faithfulness to His promises given to Israel's forefathers [ROSENMULLER]; because of this He is well pleased with Israel, even though displeased with their sin, which He here reproves; but that promise could only be based on the righteousness of Messiah, the promised seed, which is God's righteousness.

22. holes--caught by their foes in the caverns where they had sought refuge [BARNES]. Or bound in subterranean dungeons [BARNES].
prison-houses--either literal prisons, or their own houses, whence they dare not go forth for fear of the enemy. The connection is: Notwithstanding God's favor to His people for His righteousness' sake ( Isaiah 42:21 ), they have fallen into misery (the Babylonish and Romish captivities and their present dispersion), owing to their disregard of the divine law: spiritual imprisonment is included ( Isaiah 42:7 ).
none saith, Restore--There is no deliverer ( Isaiah 63:5 ).

23. A call that they should be warned by the past judgments of God to obey Him for the time to come.

24. Who--Their calamity was not the work of chance, but God's immediate act for their sins.
Jacob . . . Israel . . . we--change from the third to the first person; Isaiah first speaking to them as a prophet, distinct from them; then identifying himself with them, and acknowledging His share in the nation's sins (compare Joshua 5:1 ).

25. him--Israel ( Isaiah 42:24 ).
strength of battle--violence of war.
it--the battle or war (compare Isaiah 10:16 ).
knew not--knew not the lesson of repentance which the judgment was intended to teach ( Isaiah 5:13 , 9:13 , Jeremiah 5:3 ).

Isaiah 42 is talking about Messiah in each word.

Anti-claim, which says Muhammad (a False prophet) cannot fit here in Isaiah 42
1) My Servant expression quote in Bible - indicate none other than Messiah. Prophecies on My servant through out the Bible only indicates Messiah. 'My Elect' - is always used for 'Anointed one by G-d' i.e Messiah.
 Also Muhammad has nothing to do with Israel. Muhammad is not Messiah. Judgement is not Physical Judgement, its the continuation of LAW - New Testament. Muhammad bought some barbaric laws, against G-dly nature like forgiveness or Kindness. Sahih Bukhari 4:234- says Muhammad cut hands & Limbs of newly converted Muslims & enjoyed seeing them till they died. This surely cannot be the Justice to brought up for entire world.

2) Never Cause his Voice in Street - People Gathered around Yehshua Massiah, where ever he had gone, there for he with drew from towns & streets.
Muhammad was a street preacher in Mecca. He tries his best to draw attention of people to him
Qur'an 25:7-8; Muhammad ordered to Kill another street preacher, a poet called Al-Nadir. So Muhammad has nothing to do with miracles or divinity of Holy spirit. Gabriel taught Muhamad. Not any spirit has been told - which has rested up on him according to Quran.

3) Bruised- Bruised  reed , but will never break, Jesus was seemed to be humble in all through out the life. Crucifixion, Resurrected & never Broken! 
When Muhammad life was got revised you will end up in a conclusion that cannot be even called as a prophet.
4) Righteousness - the Messiah Prince of Peace Righteousness (see above)
Muhammad never can be called as a any of above. Muhammad insisted to Lie is an example which cannot be equated with this title- Quran itself provide the proof Taqiyya . See Quran 16:106, 3:28, 9:3, 66:22 etc.
5) Deaf & Blind - The Yehoshua Massiah, physically & spiritually opened eyes & ears and lead them. 
Muhammad said "God can only guide them, if god wishes"  - So Who is G-d here?

Saturday, December 21, 2013

3 Days 3 Nights

Matthew 12:40
"For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth."

3 Days & 3 Nights :
As Jesus prophecies has been fulfilled precisely, this also had been took place as usual. When we examine the Crucifixion on Friday - You cannot have the 3 days & the 3 nights, as said in prophecy. So where does we misplaced? As from Scriptures we know 'Resurrection' was on 'the first day of the week began to dawn' - i.e Sunday (half day over- as per Jewish timings[1] ) we need to sketch on which day Crucifixion Occurred? (Here not going to explain all the Clues or Links, but the pictures will explain. I don't want you to believe this, but as from the arrangement, you can check it yourselves)

There are Sabbat  apart from the ordinary Saturday Sabbats. (See here under The Sabbatical and Jubilee Years).  The Gospels give account of High or Greater Sabbats - on regarding with Fest of Unleavened bread (Mark 14:1, John 19:31, Matthew 27:62) . While the Gospels also give us information of 'preparation day' (Matthew 27:62, Mark 15:42, Luke 12:54, John 19:42) And the evening starts First day of Unleavened bread (Matthew 27:17, Mark 14:12, Luke 22:11).

Leviticus 23:
4 These are the feasts of the Lord, even holy convocations, which ye shall proclaim in their seasons.
5 In the fourteenth day of the first month at even is the Lord's passover.
6 And on the fifteenth day of the same month is the feast of unleavened bread unto the Lord: seven days ye must eat unleavened bread.
7 In the first day ye shall have an holy convocation: ye shall do no servile work therein.
8 But ye shall offer an offering made by fire unto the Lord seven days: in the seventh day is an holy convocation: ye shall do no servile work therein.


10th Nissan - bring the lamb Exodus 12:3 for Houses of Israel - Palm Sunday, Jesus entered Jerusalem.
14th Nissan at twilight -Exodus 12:6 Kill the lamb & passover - Just after the preparation day.
15th Nissan is Festival of unleavened bread & Sabbat.

Thus we came in to conclusion that the crucifixion was took place on same preparation day, i.e 14th Nissan - four days after Sunday.

Crucifixion to Resurrection:

If you carefully read prophecy, its 3 days & 3 nights, not 3 nights & 3 days. So from the light of Gospels we can see burial in tomb was occurred in partial day on 14th Nissan, before sunset. Thus makes the first day light in starting with day in '3 days'. 

After sun set the Greater Sabbat starts. As you can see Women of 2 groups. One was, women who followed him from Galilee (Luke 23:55-56) who bought the spices before starting Sabbat and lack of time, they rested for Sabbats. While other group Mary Magdalene & Mary -Mother of Joses, stayed there at tomb (Mark 15:47). They only bought the spices after Saturday Sabbat, i.e after sunset of Saturday (Sunday begin after sunset) and gone to tomb on morning (See above picture).

As it was already planned with greater perfection, we can see the prophecies full filled perfectly, 3 days & 3 nights, as well as all the timings in accordance with the passover lamb.

Matthew 12:38 Then certain of the scribes and of the Pharisees answered, saying, Master, we would see a sign from thee.
Precise Prophecy & Sign of Messiah for Pharisees as they asked.

[1] - Jewish day starts after sun set - approximately its after 6 pm. A day will be 6 pm to 6 pm (24 Hours).

Thursday, November 28, 2013


Messiah : 
Matthew 5:17 -"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them."




1. Gen 3:15Seed of a woman (virgin birth)Gal 4:4-5Matt 1:18
2. Gen 3:15He will bruise Satan’s headHeb 2:141 John 3:8
3. Gen 5:24The bodily ascension to heaven illustratedMark 16:19
4. Gen 9:26-27The God of Shem will be the Son of ShemLuke 3:36
5. Gen 12:3Seed of Abraham will bless all nationsGal 3:8Acts 3:25-26
6. Gen 12:7The Promise made to Abraham’s SeedGal 3:16
7. Gen 14:18A priest after the order of MelchizedekHeb 6:20
8. Gen 14:18King of Peace and RighteousnessHeb 7:2
9. Gen 14:18The Last Supper foreshadowedMatt 26:26-29
10. Gen 17:19Seed of Isaac (Gen 21:12)Rom 9:7
11. Gen 22:8The Lamb of God promisedJohn 1:29
12. Gen 22:18As Isaac’s seed, will bless all nationsGal 3:16
13. Gen 26:2-5The Seed of Isaac promised as the RedeemerHeb 11:18
14. Gen 28:12The Bridge to heavenJohn 1:51
15. Gen 28:14The Seed of JacobLuke 3:34
16. Gen 49:10The time of His comingLuke 2:1-7Gal 4:4
17. Gen 49:10The Seed of JudahLuke 3:33
18. Gen 49:10Called Shiloh or One SentJohn 17:3
19. Gen 49:10Messiah to come before Judah lost identityJohn 11:47-52
20. Gen 49:10Unto Him shall the obedience of the people beJohn 10:16
21. Ex 3:13-15The Great “I AM”John 4:268:58
22. Ex 12:5A Lamb without blemishHeb 9:141 Pet 1:19
23. Ex 12:13The blood of the Lamb saves from wrathRom 5:8
24. Ex 12:21-27Christ is our Passover1 Cor 5:7
25. Ex 12:46Not a bone of the Lamb to be brokenJohn 19:31-36
26. Ex 15:2His exaltation predicted as YeshuaActs 7:55-56
27. Ex 15:11His Character-HolinessLuke 1:35Acts 4:27
28. Ex 17:6The Spiritual Rock of Israel1 Cor 10:4
29. Ex 33:19His Character-MercifulLuke 1:72
30. Lev 1:2-9His sacrifice a sweet smelling savor unto GodEph 5:2
31. Lev 14:11The leper cleansed-Sign to priesthoodLuke 5:12-14Acts 6:7
32. Lev 16:15-17Prefigures Christ’s once-for-all deathHeb 9:7-14
33. Lev 16:27Suffering outside the CampMatt 27:33Heb. 13:11-12
34. Lev 17:11The Blood-the life of the fleshMatt 26:28Mark 10:45
35. Lev 17:11It is the blood that makes atonementRom. 3:23-241 John 1:7
36. Lev 23:36-37The Drink-offering: “If any man thirst”John 7:37
37. Num 9:12Not a bone of Him brokenJohn 19:31-36
38. Num 21:9The serpent on a pole-Christ lifted upJohn 3:14-1812:32
39. Num 24:17Time: “I shall see him, but not now.”John 1:14Gal 4:4
40. Deut 18:15“This is of a truth that prophet”John 6:14
41. Deut 18:15-16“Had you believed Moses, you would believe me.”John 5:45-47
42. Deut 18:18Sent by the Father to speak His wordJohn 8:28-29
43. Deut 18:19Whoever will not hear must bear his sinActs 3:22-23
44. Deut 21:23Cursed is he that hangs on a treeGal 3:10-13
45. Joshua 5:14-15The Captain of our salvationHeb 2:10
46. Ruth 4:4-10Christ, our kinsman, has redeemed usEph 1:3-7
47. 1 Sam 2:35A Faithful PriestHeb. 2:173:1-367:24-25
48. 1 Sam 2:10Shall be an anointed King to the LordMatt 28:18John 12:15
49. 2 Sam 7:12David’s SeedMatt 1:1
50. 2 Sam 7:13His Kingdom is everlasting2 Pet 1:11
51. 2 Sam 7:14aThe Son of GodLuke 1:32Rom 1:3-4
52. 2 Sam 7:16David’s house established foreverLuke 3:31Rev 22:16
53. 2 Ki 2:11The bodily ascension to heaven illustratedLuke 24:51
54. 1 Chr 17:11David’s SeedMatt 1:19:27
55. 1 Chr 17:12-13To reign on David’s throne foreverLuke 1:32-33
56. 1 Chr 17:13“I will be His Father, He…my Son.”Heb 1:5
57. Job 9:32-33Mediator between man and God1 Tim 2:5
58. Job 19:23-27The Resurrection predictedJohn 5:24-29
59. Psa 2:1-3The enmity of kings foreordainedActs 4:25-28
60. Psa 2:2To own the title, Anointed (Christ)John 1:41Acts 2:36
61. Psa 2:6His Character-HolinessJohn 8:46Rev 3:7
62. Psa 2:6To own the title KingMatt 2:2
63. Psa 2:7Declared the Beloved SonMatt 3:17Rom 1:4
64. Psa 2:7-8The Crucifixion and Resurrection intimatedActs 13:29-33
65. Psa 2:8-9Rule the nations with a rod of ironRev 2:2712:519:15
66. Psa 2:12Life comes through faith in HimJohn 20:31
67. Psa 8:2The mouths of babes perfect His praiseMatt 21:16
68. Psa 8:5-6His humiliation and exaltationHeb 2:5-9
69. Psa 9:7-10Judge the world in righteousnessActs 17:31
70. Psa 16:10Was not to see corruptionActs 2:3113:35
71. Psa 16:9-11Was to arise from the deadJohn 20:9
72. Psa 17:15The resurrection predictedLuke 24:6
73. Psa 18:2-3The horn of salvationLuke 1:69-71
74. Psa 22:1Forsaken because of sins of others2 Cor 5:21
75. Psa 22:1“My God, my God, why have You forsaken me?”Matt 27:46
76. Psa 22:2Darkness upon Calvary for three hoursMatt 27:45
77. Psa 22:7They shoot out the lip and shake the headMatt 27:39-44
78. Psa 22:8“He trusted in God, let Him deliver Him”Matt 27:43
79. Psa 22:9-10Born the SaviorLuke 2:7
80. Psa 22:12-13They seek His deathJohn 19:6
81. Psa 22:14His blood poured out when they pierced His sideJohn 19:34
82. Psa 22:14-15Suffered agony on CalvaryMark 15:34-37
83. Psa 22:15He thirstedJohn 19:28
84. Psa 22:16They pierced His hands and His feetJohn 19:34-3720:27
85. Psa 22:17-18Stripped Him before the stares of menLuke 23:34-35
86. Psa 22:18They parted His garmentsJohn 19:23-24
87. Psa 22:20-21He committed Himself to GodLuke 23:46
88. Psa 22:20-21Satanic power bruising the Redeemer’s heelHeb 2:14
89. Psa 22:22His Resurrection declaredJohn 20:17
90. Psa 22:27-28He shall be the governor of the nationsCol 1:16
91. Psa 22:31“It is finished”John 19:30Heb 10:10-121418
92. Psa 23:1“I am the Good Shepherd”John 10:111 Pet 2:25
93. Psa 24:3His exaltation predictedActs 1:11Phil 2:9
94. Psa 30:3His resurrection predictedActs 2:32
95. Psa 31:5“Into Your hands I commit my spirit”Luke 23:46
96. Psa 31:11His acquaintances fled from HimMark 14:50
97. Psa 31:13They took counsel to put Him to deathMatt 27:1John 11:53
98. Psa 31:14-15“He trusted in God, let Him deliver him”Matt 27:43
99. Psa 34:20Not a bone of Him brokenJohn 19:31-36
100. Psa 35:11False witnesses rose up against HimMatt 26:59
101. Psa 35:19He was hated without a causeJohn 15:25
102. Psa 38:11His friends stood afar offLuke 23:49
103. Psa 38:12Enemies try to entangle Him by craftMark 14:1Matt 22:15
104. Psa 38:12-13Silent before His accusersMatt 27:12-14
105. Psa 38:20He went about doing goodActs 10:38
106. Psa 40:2-5The joy of His resurrection predictedJohn 20:20
107. Psa 40:6-8His delight-the will of the FatherJohn 4:34Heb 10:5-10
108. Psa 40:9He was to preach the Righteousness in IsraelMatt 4:17
109. Psa 40:14Confronted by adversaries in the GardenJohn 18:4-6
110. Psa 41:9Betrayed by a familiar friendJohn 13:18
111. Psa 45:2Words of Grace come from His lipsJohn 1:17Luke 4:22
112. Psa 45:6To own the title, God or ElohimHeb 1:8
113. Psa 45:7A special anointing by the Holy SpiritMatt 3:16Heb. 1:9
114. Psa 45:7-8Called the Christ (Messiah or Anointed)Luke 2:11
115. Psa 45:17His name remembered foreverEph 1:20-21Heb. 1:8
116. Psa 55:12-14Betrayed by a friend, not an enemyJohn 13:18
117. Psa 55:15Unrepentant death of the BetrayerMatt 27:3-5Acts 1:16-19
118. Psa 68:18To give gifts to menEph 4:7-16
119. Psa 68:18Ascended into HeavenLuke 24:51
120. Psa 69:4Hated without a causeJohn 15:25
121. Psa 69:8A stranger to own brethrenJohn 1:117:5
122. Psa 69:9Zealous for the Lord’s HouseJohn 2:17
123. Psa 69:14-20Messiah’s anguish of soul before crucifixionMatt 26:36-45
124. Psa 69:20“My soul is exceeding sorrowful”Matt 26:38
125. Psa 69:21Given vinegar in thirstMatt 27:34
126. Psa 69:26The Savior given and smitten by GodJohn 17:418:11
127. Psa 72:10-11Great persons were to visit HimMatt 2:1-11
128. Psa 72:16The corn of wheat to fall into the GroundJohn 12:24-25
129. Psa 72:17Belief on His name will produce offspringJohn 1:12-13
130. Psa 72:17All nations shall be blessed by HimGal 3:8
131. Psa 72:17All nations shall call Him blessedJohn 12:13Rev 5:8-12
132. Psa 78:1-2He would teach in parablesMatt 13:34-35
133. Psa 78:2bTo speak the Wisdom of God with authorityMatt 7:29
134. Psa 80:17The Man of God’s right handMark 14:61-62
135. Psa 88The Suffering and Reproach of CalvaryMatt 27:26-50
136. Psa 88:8They stood afar off and watchedLuke 23:49
137. Psa 89:27FirstbornCol 1:15-18
138. Psa 89:27Emmanuel to be higher than earthly kingsLuke 1:32-33
139. Psa 89:35-37David’s Seed, throne, kingdom endure foreverLuke 1:32-33
140. Psa 89:36-37His character-FaithfulnessRev 1:519:11
141. Psa 90:2He is from everlasting (Micah 5:2)John 1:1
142. Psa 91:11-12Identified as Messianic, used to tempt ChristLuke 4:10-11
143. Psa 97:9His exaltation predictedActs 1:11Eph 1:20
144. Psa 100:5His character-GoodnessMatt 19:16-17
145. Psa 102:1-11The Suffering and Reproach of CalvaryJohn 19:16-30
146. Psa 102:25-27Messiah is the Preexistent SonHeb 1:10-12
147. Psa 109:25RidiculedMatt 27:39
148. Psa 110:1Son of DavidMatt 22:42-43
149. Psa 110:1To ascend to the right-hand of the FatherMark 16:19
150. Psa 110:1David’s son called LordMatt 22:44-45
151. Psa 110:4A priest after Melchizedek’s orderHeb 6:20
152. Psa 112:4His character-Compassionate, Gracious, et alMatt 9:36
153. Psa 118:17-18Messiah’s Resurrection assuredLuke 24:5-71 Cor 15:20
154. Psa 118:22-23The rejected stone is Head of the cornerMatt 21:42-43
155. Psa 118:26aThe Blessed One presented to IsraelMatt 21:9
156. Psa 118:26bTo come while Temple standingMatt 21:12-15
157. Psa 132:11The Seed of David (the fruit of His Body)Luke 1:32; Act 2:30
158. Psa 129:3He was scourgedMatt 27:26
159. Psa 138:1-6The supremacy of David’s Seed amazes kingsMatt 2:2-6
160. Psa 147:3-6The earthly ministry of Christ describedLuke 4:18
161. Prov 1:23He will send the Spirit of GodJohn 16:7
162. Prov 8:23Foreordained from everlastingRev 13:81 Pet 1:19-20
163. Song 5:16The altogether lovely OneJohn 1:17
164. Isa 2:3He shall teach all nationsJohn 4:25
165. Isa 2:4He shall judge among the nationsJohn 5:22
166. Isa 6:1When Isaiah saw His gloryJohn 12:40-41
167. Isa 6:8The One Sent by GodJohn 12:38-45
168. Isa 6:9-10Parables fall on deaf earsMatt 13:13-15
169. Isa 6:9-12Blinded to Christ and deaf to His wordsActs 28:23-29
170. Isa 7:14To be born of a virginLuke 1:35
171. Isa 7:14To be Emmanuel-God with usMatt 1:18-231 Tim 3:16
172. Isa 8:8Called EmmanuelMatt 28:20
173. Isa 8:14A stone of stumbling, a Rock of offense1 Pet 2:8
174. Isa 9:1-2His ministry to begin in GalileeMatt 4:12-17
175. Isa 9:6A child born-HumanityLuke 1:31
176. Isa 9:6A Son given-DeityLuke 1:32John 1:141 Tim 3:16
177. Isa 9:6Declared to be the Son of God with powerRom 1:3-4
178. Isa 9:6The Wonderful One, PelehLuke 4:22
179. Isa 9:6The Counselor, YaatzMatt 13:54
180. Isa 9:6The Mighty God, El Gibor1 Cor 1:24Titus 2:3
181. Isa 9:6The Everlasting Father, Avi AdthJohn 8:5810:30
182. Isa 9:6The Prince of Peace, Sar ShalomJohn 16:33
183. Isa 9:7To establish an everlasting kingdomLuke 1:32-33
184. Isa 9:7His Character-JustJohn 5:30
185. Isa 9:7No end to his Government, Throne, and PeaceLuke 1:32-33
186. Isa 11:1Called a Nazarene-the Branch, NetzerMatt 2:23
187. Isa 11:1A rod out of Jesse-Son of JesseLuke 3:23-32
188. Isa 11:2Anointed One by the SpiritMatt 3:16-17Acts 10:38
189. Isa 11:2His Character-Wisdom, Knowledge, et alCol 2:3
190. Isa 11:3He would know their thoughtsLuke 6:8John 2:25
191. Isa 11:4Judge in righteousnessActs 17:31
192. Isa 11:4Judges with the sword of His mouthRev 2:1619:1115
193. Isa 11:5Character: Righteous & FaithfulRev 19:11
194. Isa 11:10The Gentiles seek HimJohn 12:18-21
195. Isa 12:2Called Jesus-YeshuaMatt 1:21
196. Isa 22:22The One given all authority to governRev 3:7
197. Isa 25:8The Resurrection predicted1 Cor 15:54
198. Isa 26:19His power of Resurrection predictedMatt 27:50-54
199. Isa 28:16The Messiah is the precious corner stoneActs 4:11-12
200. Isa 28:16The Sure Foundation1 Cor 3:11Matt 16:18
201. Isa 29:13He indicated hypocritical obedience to His WordMatt 15:7-9
202. Isa 29:14The wise are confounded by the Word1 Cor 1:18-31
203. Isa 32:2A Refuge-A man shall be a hiding placeMatt 23:37
204. Isa 35:4He will come and save youMatt 1:21
205. Isa 35:5-6To have a ministry of miraclesMatt 11:2-6
206. Isa 40:3-4Preceded by forerunnerJohn 1:23
207. Isa 40:9“Behold your God”John 1:3619:14
208. Isa 40:10He will come to rewardRev 22:12
209. Isa 40:11A shepherd-compassionate life-giverJohn 10:10-18
210. Isa 42:1-4The Servant-as a faithful, patient redeemerMatt 12:18-21
211. Isa 42:2Meek and lowlyMatt 11:28-30
212. Isa 42:3He brings hope for the hopelessJohn 4
213. Isa 42:4The nations shall wait on His teachingsJohn 12:20-26
214. Isa 42:6The Light (salvation) of the GentilesLuke 2:32
215. Isa 42:1-6His is a worldwide compassionMatt 28:19-20
216. Isa 42:7Blind eyes openedJohn 9:25-38
217. Isa 43:11He is the only SaviorActs 4:12
218. Isa 44:3He will send the Spirit of GodJohn 16:7-13
219. Isa 45:21-25He is Lord and SaviorPhil 3:20Titus 2:13
220. Isa 45:23He will be the JudgeJohn 5:22Rom 14:11
221. Isa 46:9-10Declares things not yet doneJohn 13:19
222. Isa 48:12The First and the LastJohn 1:30Rev 1:817
223. Isa 48:16-17He came as a TeacherJohn 3:2
224. Isa 49:1Called from the womb-His humanityMatt 1:18
225. Isa 49:5A Servant from the wombLuke 1:31Phil 2:7
226. Isa 49:6He will restore IsraelActs 3:19-2115:16-17
227. Isa 49:6He is Salvation for IsraelLuke 2:29-32
228. Isa 49:6He is the Light of the GentilesJohn 8:12Acts 13:47
229. Isa 49:6He is Salvation unto the ends of the earthActs 15:7-18
230. Isa 49:7He is despised of the NationJohn 1:118:48-4919:14-15
231. Isa 50:3Heaven is clothed in black at His humiliationLuke 23:44-45
232. Isa 50:4He is a learned counselor for the wearyMatt 7:2911:28-29
233. Isa 50:5The Servant bound willingly to obedienceMatt 26:39
234. Isa 50:6a“I gave my back to those who struck Me”Matt 27:26
235. Isa 50:6bHe was smitten on the cheeksMatt 26:67
236. Isa 50:6cHe was spat uponMatt 27:30
237. Isa 52:7Published good tidings upon mountainsMatt 5:1215:2928:16
238. Isa 52:13The Servant exaltedActs 1:8-11Eph 1:19-22Phil 2:5-9
239. Isa 52:14The Servant shockingly abusedLuke 18:31-34Matt 26:67-68
240. Isa 52:15Nations startled by message of the ServantLuke 18:31-34Matt 26:67-68
241. Isa 52:15His blood shed sprinkles nationsHeb 9:13-14Rev 1:5
242. Isa 53:1His people would not believe HimJohn 12:37-38
243. Isa 53:2Appearance of an ordinary manPhil 2:6-8
244. Isa 53:3aDespisedLuke 4:28-29
245. Isa 53:3bRejectedMatt 27:21-23
246. Isa 53:3cGreat sorrow and griefMatt 26:37-38Luke 19:41Heb 4:15
247. Isa 53:3dMen hide from being associated with HimMark 14:50-52
248. Isa 53:4aHe would have a healing ministryMatt 8:16-17
249. Isa 53:4bThought to be cursed by GodMatt 26:6627:41-43
250. Isa 53:5aBears penalty for mankind’s iniquities2 Cor 5:21Heb 2:9
251. Isa 53:5bHis sacrifice provides peace between man and GodCol 1:20
252. Isa 53:5cHis sacrifice would heal man of sin1 Pet 2:24
253. Isa 53:6aHe would be the sin-bearer for all mankind1 John 2:24:10
254. Isa 53:6bGod’s will that He bear sin for all mankindGal 1:4
255. Isa 53:7aOppressed and afflictedMatt 27:27-31
256. Isa 53:7bSilent before his accusersMatt 27:12-14
257. Isa 53:7cSacrificial lambJohn 1:291 Pet 1:18-19
258. Isa 53:8aConfined and persecutedMatt 26:47-27:31
259. Isa 53:8bHe would be judgedJohn 18:13-22
260. Isa 53:8cKilledMatt 27:35
261. Isa 53:8dDies for the sins of the world1 John 2:2
262. Isa 53:9aBuried in a rich man’s graveMatt 27:57
263. Isa 53:9bInnocent and had done no violenceLuke 23:41John 18:38
264. Isa 53:9cNo deceit in his mouth1 Pet 2:22
265. Isa 53:10aGod’s will that He die for mankindJohn 18:11
266. Isa 53:10bAn offering for sinMatt 20:28Gal 3:13
267. Isa 53:10cResurrected and live foreverRom 6:9
268. Isa 53:10dHe would prosperJohn 17:1-5
269. Isa 53:11aGod fully satisfied with His sufferingJohn 12:27
270. Isa 53:11bGod’s servant would justify manRom 5:8-918-19
271. Isa 53:11cThe sin-bearer for all mankindHeb 9:28
272. Isa 53:12aExalted by God because of his sacrificeMatt 28:18
273. Isa 53:12bHe would give up his life to save mankindLuke 23:46
274. Isa 53:12cNumbered with the transgressorsMark 15:27-28
275. Isa 53:12dSin-bearer for all mankind1 Pet 2:24
276. Isa 53:12eIntercede to God in behalf of mankindLuke 23:34Rom 8:34
277. Isa 55:3Resurrected by GodActs 13:34
278. Isa 55:4aA witnessJohn 18:37
279. Isa 55:4bHe is a leader and commanderHeb 2:10
280. Isa 55:5God would glorify HimActs 3:13
281. Isa 59:16aIntercessor between man and GodMatt 10:32
282. Isa 59:16bHe would come to provide salvationJohn 6:40
283. Isa 59:20He would come to Zion as their RedeemerLuke 2:38
284. Isa 60:1-3He would show light to the GentilesActs 26:23
285. Isa 61:1aThe Spirit of God upon himMatt 3:16-17
286. Isa 61:1bThe Messiah would preach the good newsLuke 4:16-21
287. Isa 61:1cProvide freedom from the bondage of sinJohn 8:31-36
288. Isa 61:1-2aProclaim a period of graceGal 4:4-5
289. Jer 23:5-6Descendant of DavidLuke 3:23-31
290. Jer 23:5-6The Messiah would be both God and ManJohn 13:131 Tim 3:16
291. Jer 31:22Born of a virginMatt 1:18-20
292. Jer 31:31The Messiah would be the new covenantMatt 26:28
293. Jer 33:14-15Descendant of DavidLuke 3:23-31
294. Ezek 34:23-24Descendant of DavidMatt 1:1
295. Ezek 37:24-25Descendant of DavidLuke 1:31-33
296. Dan 2:44-45The Stone that shall break the kingdomsMatt 21:44
297. Dan 7:13-14aHe would ascend into heavenActs 1:9-11
298. Dan 7:13-14bHighly exaltedEph 1:20-22
299. Dan 7:13-14cHis dominion would be everlastingLuke 1:31-33
300. Dan 9:24aTo make an end to sinsGal 1:3-5
301. Dan 9:24aTo make reconciliation for iniquityRom 5:102 Cor 5:18-21
302. Dan 9:24bHe would be holyLuke 1:35
303. Dan 9:25His announcementJohn 12:12-13
304. Dan 9:26aCut offMatt 16:2121:38-39
305. Dan 9:26bDie for the sins of the worldHeb 2:9
306. Dan 9:26cKilled before the destruction of the templeMatt 27:50-51
307. Dan 10:5-6Messiah in a glorified stateRev 1:13-16
308. Hos 11:1He would be called out of EgyptMatt 2:15
309. Hos 13:14He would defeat death1 Cor 15:55-57
310. Joel 2:32Offer salvation to all mankindRom 10:9-13
311. Jonah 1:17Death and resurrection of ChristMatt 12:4016:4
312. Mic 5:2aBorn in BethlehemMatt 2:1-6
313. Mic 5:2bRuler in IsraelLuke 1:33
314. Mic 5:2cFrom everlastingJohn 8:58
315. Hag 2:6-9He would visit the second TempleLuke 2:27-32
316. Hag 2:23Descendant of ZerubbabelLuke 2:27-32
317. Zech 3:8God’s servantJohn 17:4
318. Zech 6:12-13Priest and KingHeb 8:1
319. Zech 9:9aGreeted with rejoicing in JerusalemMatt 21:8-10
320. Zech 9:9bBeheld as KingJohn 12:12-13
321. Zech 9:9cThe Messiah would be justJohn 5:30
322. Zech 9:9dThe Messiah would bring salvationLuke 19:10
323. Zech 9:9eThe Messiah would be humbleMatt 11:29
324. Zech 9:9fPresented to Jerusalem riding on a donkeyMatt 21:6-9
325. Zech 10:4The cornerstoneEph 2:20
326. Zech 11:4-6aAt His coming, Israel to have unfit leadersMatt 23:1-4
327. Zech 11:4-6bRejection causes God to remove His protectionLuke 19:41-44
328. Zech 11:4-6cRejected in favor of another kingJohn 19:13-15
329. Zech 11:7Ministry to “poor,” the believing remnantMatt 9:35-36
330. Zech 11:8aUnbelief forces Messiah to reject themMatt 23:33
331. Zech 11:8bDespisedMatt 27:20
332. Zech 11:9Stops ministering to those who rejected HimMatt 13:10-11
333. Zech 11:10-11aRejection causes God to remove protectionLuke 19:41-44
334. Zech 11:10-11bThe Messiah would be GodJohn 14:7
335. Zech 11:12-13aBetrayed for thirty pieces of silverMatt 26:14-15
336. Zech 11:12-13bRejectedMatt 26:14-15
337. Zech 11:12-13cThirty pieces of silver cast in the house of the LordMatt 27:3-5
338. Zech 11:12-13dThe Messiah would be GodJohn 12:45
339. Zech 12:10aThe Messiah’s body would be piercedJohn 19:34-37
340. Zech 12:10bThe Messiah would be both God and manJohn 10:30
341. Zech 12:10cThe Messiah would be rejectedJohn 1:11
342. Zech 13:7aGod’s will He die for mankindJohn 18:11
343. Zech 13:7bA violent deathMark 14:27
344. Zech 13:7cBoth God and manJohn 14:9
345. Zech 13:7dIsrael scattered as a result of rejecting HimMatt 26:31-56
346. Zech 14:4He would return to the Mt. of OlivesActs 1:11-12
347. Mal 3:1aMessenger to prepare the way for MessiahMark 1:1-8
348. Mal 3:1bSudden appearance at the templeMark 11:15-16
349. Mal 3:1cMessenger of the new covenantLuke 4:43
350. Mal 4:5Forerunner in spirit of ElijahMatt 3:1-311:10-1417:11-13
351. Mal 4:6Forerunner would turn many to righteousnessLuke 1:16-17

Thus Messiah-ship of Jesus is fulfillment of prophecies about the salvation & Messiah. 
Thus as Luke 16:16 "The Law and the Prophets were proclaimed until John. Since that time, the good news of the kingdom of God is being preached, and everyone is forcing their way into it."